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Language & Literacy

Language & Literacy

We aim to develop language in an exciting and meaningful way in an environment in which children are encouraged to speak and listen and to express their thoughts clearly. We explore the individual’s ideas through play, drama, poetry and books. We provide an environment where children not only learn to read but read because they want to, both for pleasure and information. Our pupils are introduced to Literacy through a Jolly Phonics approach. Our main core reading scheme is ‘Oxford Reading Tree’ supplemented by a wide range of other books and class novels, which cater for individual needs and allow each child to progress at his/her own rate with enjoyment. We also encourage our children to read at home with their family using school Reading Scheme and library books.

Book Pages

Saint MacNissi's Primary School
Christine Road, Newtownabbey

St Macnissi's

Tel: 02890 342166

Opening Hours: 8.30am - 4.30pm

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