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E-Safety & 
Digital Leaders


Our vision is to create motivated ‘life-long’ learners through the use of ICT to enhance and extend learning and teaching across the whole curriculum.  As ICT is continually developing and new technologies emerging, we as a school will strive to give all pupils the skills to prepare them for a future in which ICT is an integral part of society. 


Our pupils are regularly instructed on how to stay safe on the internet and how to use communicative technology appropriately. Each year we celebrate Safer Internet Day and organise appropriate talks with external agencies. We also provide copies of policies on our website. 


Children are taught to be aware of how to stay safe online using their heart, eyes, head, voice, eyes and hands. Children are made aware of Internet Safety Rules and are encouraged to become a good digital citizen.

Digital Leaders

Digital Leaders are used within school to enhance and assist in promoting online safety and the use of ICT.  Digital Leaders are children with a passion for technology who want to share their knowledge with others and promote the use of all things digital throughout the school.  Being a Digital Leader is a fantastic opportunity to take on responsibility, learn new skills, develop and demonstrate leadership skills.

We have 6 digital leaders within our school. 2 from each class from Primary 5 – Primary 7.

Saint MacNissi's Primary School
Christine Road, Newtownabbey

St Macnissi's

Tel: 02890 342166

Opening Hours: 8.30am - 4.30pm

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