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The Arts

The pupils are taught a variety of skills at appropriate stage of development. They are provided with structured opportunities for using different media, e.g. paint, pastels, clay etc in order to build up their experience. Drawing, painting and craftwork gives pupils a lifelong appreciation of art throughout history and gives them the opportunity to understand its development. Throughout the Key Stages the pupils look at famous artists and their work enabling them to achieve a greater understanding of the environment and response to form, order, design and pattern.


Music & Drama

St.MacNissis has an excellent reputation for Music and Drama. Many pupils are given the opportunity to take lessons in Violin and Cello through a specialist teacher. Tradition music is offered in Guitar, Tin Whistle and Percussion. The Key Stage 2 choir meets on a weekly basis to prepare songs for special occasions and for fun. Throughout the year many opportunities are offered for children to participate in role play, seasonal plays and concerts.

Saint MacNissi's Primary School
Christine Road, Newtownabbey

St Macnissi's

Tel: 02890 342166

Opening Hours: 8.30am - 4.30pm

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