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Academic Achievements


At St. MacNissi’s Primary School we understand that assessment lies fundamentally at the heart of the teaching and learning process.

The key purpose of assessment is to develop children’s learning potential. It provides opportunities for pupils to demonstrate the knowledge, understanding and skills they have acquired and offers teachers the opportunity to reflect, evaluate and interpret individual pupil’s strengths and weaknesses. Assessment is on-going and can be informal or formal.

Assessment for Learning (AfL) is firmly embedded in classroom practice. It enables staff to scaffold children’s learning and move them on to the next stage. This involves sharing ‘Learning Intentions’ (WALT) and ‘Success Criteria’ (WILF) with the children. Through our marking Policy we aim to be informative, highlighting a pupils’ strength and showing how they can further make improvements.
Assessment and Observation of Learning begins at Year 1 with staff establishing a base line for each child and this continues until Year 7. 

Internal Moderation of pupil’s work in Literacy and Numeracy forms an integral part of our whole school Assessment Programme. Children from Primary 3 to Primary 7 complete CCEA and school tasks, in line with N.I. assessment requirements in Communication and Using Mathematics, to enable staff to make a summative judgement about the level each pupil has achieved. 

Each child from Year 3 to Year 7 complete standardised tests in Literacy (PTE), Numeracy (PTM) and outcomes are matched against Northern Ireland Standardised data. Staff use this data to ensure that all children are fulfilling their potential.

End of Key Stage 1 - Primary 4 (23/24)

Area of Study
NI Average
St McNissi's Average

End of Key Stage 2 - Primary 7 (23/24)

Area of Study
NI Average
St McNissi's Average

Saint MacNissi's Primary School
Christine Road, Newtownabbey

St Macnissi's

Tel: 02890 342166

Opening Hours: 8.30am - 4.30pm

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